We still have not been told when we can book our flights! We had dinner at my VPs house last night and we asked her. There are 2 flights on AirTran (don’t they crash) that are not booked for Tuesday, 11am or 5pm.”Well, lets just wait and see how things are tomorrow”. OK, so she says I need you guys to go into the office in the morning. To do what? We can’t really do much from the Atlanta office, so I checked my e-mail and read blogs all morning. Let me tell you I was productive! We get a call at 10am from our manager asking us to book the 5pm flight home. We scramble to book the flights and leave to get back to the hotel and pack. We leave at noon, and have to go by Marshall’s to get an extra piece of luggage since Rena brought everything she owned. 12:30pm we arrive at the hotel to start packing, takes about 45 minutes to pack and check out. On the road at 1:15pm to return the car….oh and I forgot to tell you that what is left of Hurricane Fances is over our heads, it had been raining all morning. We get to the airport at 2:15pm to turn in the car, we pull up to National and it was pouring, so we all get out and scramble to get our luggage and head to the bus that takes us to the terminal. Once we arrived at the terminal we organize our luggage. Here is what we had taken:
One large piece of luggage to check and one carry on.
One VERY large piece of luggage to check, 2 carry on items, and his Whinny The Pooh. (Had to bring him to make sure he did not drown or something like that.)
One garment bag and one piece of luggage to check.
Rena (Also known as High Maintenance Barbie)
Two VERY large pieces of luggage to check, 1 duffle bag of all her pictures, 2 full shopping bags (falling apart from the rain), 2 down pillows, 1 pink stuffed animal dog named Penelope, and 1 Coach purse.
It was a pain lugging them through the airport, I was hot, wet, and irritated! We got to the ticket counter by 3pm, only to find a hella long line. My patience level was low and I was on the verge of snapping when they pulled us into another line that was much faster. Once our luggage was checked we proceeded to security and the Atlanta airport is huge, this must have been the largest security area I have seen since I have been traveling. The line was going quick when again we where pulled into another line, I was like man this day is getting better…..um, NO. Since we only bought a one way ticket we where singled out as I guess potential terrorists. The line took almost an hour of twisting, turning, and complaining from the 4 of us. I tried to entertain myself by cruising the hot guys that walked by. That is one thing that I will have to admit, Atlanta has some HOT MEN! After an hour of waiting, and nothing but an ugly TSA agent patting me down to look forward too I was once again, in a bad mood. I was dreaming of my apartment and bed, when I looked at my watch and it was 4pm, yes, 1 hour until our flight leaves. We have just enough time to grab a bite to eat and board the plane when I look up at the monitors with much DISMAY; it showed our flight was delayed until 7:55. OH, NO MAM!!!! We got home about 10:30pm and it was 85 degrees in the apartment, YUCK!!! I unpacked, took a sleeping pill and went to bed.
1 comment:
ah Brian... just one note to add- you mentioned everyone else's stuffed animal.. but there was no mention of SISSY. And we all know you brought her!!!
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