In the words of Cyndi and Celine……We Drove all Night……to get to Atlanta. Let’s back up a bit. Wednesday at 4pm my manager let’s the fly team know that arrangements have been made for us to travel to our Atlanta corporate office to get out of the way of the Hurricane, I was happy that they where worried about my safety. Well it comes out that since we are on a project here, we are a liability to the company. So I am thinking, well this will be good to get out of the path of the Storm. So my Mom calls, Dramatic Barbie, oh god, it is going straight to ATL. We packed cloths and tired to put up all our personal belongings up, and get this, we are in corporate apartments and they don’t have renters insurance on us, anything that is not Marriott is not covered, FUCK THAT. I just pray for my computer with all my music and pics, dvds, and a new addition to my family TIVO are OK. My thoughts and prayers are with them. We had to drive since we could not get a flight out. Ugh, over that drive….Where is my limo?
We left Fort Lauderdale about 8pm, the tolls where suspended on the toll way and traffic was surprisingly light. We could tell it was picking up since gas stations where running out of gas. It was a 10-hour drive to ATL. I was joined with 3 other associates Aaron, Rena, and John. We had a good time on the way up, but we where tired. We got to the Westin downtown about 7:30am. I love the Westin the heavenly beds are to die for. I went straight to bed. We did not anticipate coming into the office on Thursday, we figured we would just have a great weekend and party in ATL, well management did not have the same plan. We get a call from our manager at 10am, asking if we could make it in at noon. Ok, we did not get out of bed until 11am and we are an hour away from Alpharetta. OVER IT, we where like, we will get there when we get there.
We got into the office at 2pm, and we where the only ones that had made it in from corporate. We where immediately put on the phones to field the calls from all offices nationwide. OMG, it was crazy. We left around 6pm and were asked to be back at 8am. We did not even get a thanks for driving all through the night, getting a few hours of sleep and coming into work. FUCK YOU SPHERION. Anyways, I am over it back at work and excited to go out tonight. Depending on how bad Fort Lauderdale is hit; we might be working from here for the next 2 weeks. There is even talk about moving the project to ATL. Oh Lord! Here is an e-mail from my co-worker Jenny who is with her family in Melbourne
E-mail from Jenny
“man this place is a MAD HOUSE. i'm
glad you guys got out of here. i'm worried about mary
& karen though, i feel bad for leaving them.
its such a chore to get this place ready though. i've
been helping my dad & mom all day, and we're still not
done. we were helping the neighbors too. its crazy. my
dumb ass brother and his dumb ass friends want to each
take their car and head west. it is bumper to bumper.
why they are all taking their cars i don't know. i
gave him some sleeping pills so hopefully he'll sleep
through the night and change his mind. we've all been
fighting with him. he's so damn stupid, not to mention
selfish. he's gonna get stuck on the road in his piece
of shit car.. and then what. not to mention, not
sticking around to help out here. he won't be allowed
back in to town for another week or so. i just can't
believe we are related. wtf??
i am very scared, but happier to be here- otherwise
i'd be a nervous wreck. i'm glad that all of you got
out though. you wouldn't believe the traffic now. i'm
going to volunteer saturday night/sunday with the red
cross if we don't have too much to do here. my mom is
already planning how to rebuild the house if it gets
knocked down. how crazy is that!!
this is definitely blog worthy- i bought film to take
some pictures. hotels are booked solid, gas stations
are out of gas, and banks are out of money. ITS
take care- i love you guys : ) don't worry if you
can't reach me by phone. the towers will probably go
down. i'll talk to you before saturday.
maggie mae says HI!!! she's scared”!!!
Welcome at atlantra. Remember, the SUV always has the right of way and anything you don't want stolen from you should be kept in your pocket. Have fun :)
I'm with you FUCK SPHERION. They weren't worried about your safety, they were worried about their asses!! And don't even get me started on how much "compassion" and "worry" they have for their team members!!
Aside from the "leadership" we have here.. the field offices have been so caring, from our North Dakota office- Thursday 12pm " it seems like you're rushing me off the phone? I can't believe you're not going to be here to support us on Thursday or Friday. I've lived through several blizzards out here in ND and I still worked, this hurricane is nothing!"
So.. FUCK Spherion,and FUCK their heartless employees!!
well - i feel better : )
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