I think I might have Olympic Fever, I can't stop watching them, and my man Michael Phelps won another gold medal tonight (you go boy). All this talk about swimmers brings back memories of my favorite Olympic swimmer, Greg Louganis. I can't remember why I think he is amazing, but as a boy I had the biggest crush on him, oh, and when he had that interview with Oprah and came out of the closet. I just new one day we would get married, ok not, but still is not just greatest.
Does anyone else get emotional when the Olympics come on or when an American wins a gold medal, I just can't hold back the tears I LOVE AMERICA?
On another note......When Does Harmless Cruising get CREEPY?
There is a Target in Fort Lauderdale, that if you go around 8ish, there are more gay couples than straight, and a couple of singles (me). Now, no matter where you go in the store you are bound to get cruised. Singles and couples with wondering eyes, everyone sizing you up. I felt like I was at Cathode Ray for pick a trick night. I saw a cute guy that was cruising me, so I made eye contact and smiled and went about my shopping. He proceeds to follow me over to the electronics section staring and smiling every time I looked up, I thought he was cute, but since I had a long day was not interested in playing this game, so I moved on. I'll be a bottom, if he did follow me down 9 aisles and across to the other side of the store, stopping on the aisle that I was on and acting like he was interested in something on the same aisle. About 15 minutes of this and I was ready to leave the store without my items. Now, I could have said hi and gave him my number, but I was already aggravated with him and wanted him to move on. Ugh, I thought move on Creepy Cruiser. In one last desperate attempt to get rid of him I went down the children's aisle and put some diapers in my buggy....he gave me a weird look, I shrugged my shoulders and moved on.... at this point when I looked back he was gone. I continued to shop, and get this he ends up in the same checkout line behind me. He kept looking at my purchases I bet he was wondering (where are the diapers). Anyways, that was just too much for me tonight; after I check out I hurried to my car, as to not see him again in the parking lot. I feel so violated. Have you ever had a moment like this?

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