On this weeks episode of the Real World....
Today was not the best of days, got into a huge fight with someone whom I thought was a close friend, but turns out just to be a co-worker. Over the past year I have made so many new relationships with associates on the project. Some of those relationships have turned into great friendships. Some of these friendships I had hoped would last a lifetime, but don't always turn out that way. Life sucks sometimes, but I guess you have to keep rolling with the punches. It is sad sometimes when you invest so much into a person to get nothing in return or to finally see how they really are. I guess you could say her TRUE COLORS shined through brightly today.
Rena and I had a disagreement about how we have treated each other over the past couple of weeks, one of my issues is with her was honesty with me. Her issue is that I have not been treating her very nice the past few days and honestly I have not, because this issue has been eating away at me. So we where down at a co-workers cube visiting and she made a comment about something I said, I turned around and called her a mean word and we went back to our desks. Fifteen minutes later a get a long e-mail that pissed me off, so I wrote back and got everything off my chest, she in return said she is done with me, and that is fine nothing I can do but move on. Sucks when you speak your mind sometimes saying the things people just don't want to hear how they shut off. Honestly, I feel better about the whole thing, I guess some friendships are not worth fighting for.
It is very HARD to maintain some of the friendships on this project only because we work with each other 10 hours a day and since we relocated for this project leaving friends and family forces us to also feel the void of social activates after work. This sometimes is a recipe for a mess, maybe we need some time apart. Well hopefully my day tomorrow will be better, until then......

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