Aaron and my flight landed at 4:45pm at JFK. Elgin and Neil had already landed and met us at the baggage belt. It was so nice to see Neil and Elgin, I had not seen them since gay Disney and it put a huge smile on my face. I love my sisters…..We got on the AirTrain to Howard Beach to catch the A train to Mikey’s, and I was like ladies, sit back and relax, because 181st is a long ride. Instantly we all hit it off, laughing and catching up I was so excited about this trip. We got to Mikey’s at almost 7pm and was worn out form the train ride, but there where many hotties on the way up. It is so funny, for some reason we kept sitting underneath the subway maps on the train, and this total hottie was looking at us. Neil, Aaron, and I thought he was staring at us, LOL; he was looking at the map. We ended up talking to him and he had a thick…..thick COCK…I mean a thick Boston accent, we asked him where he goes out in NYC and he said he was meting his girlfriend and she was going to take him out. I was like whatever he is so not straight, but now days you can never tell with all these metrosexuals. We started our night off with a few drinks at the apt, and then went to Stonewall, cute and was cool because of the history. We ended up leaving and going to Splash, I hate Splash so I know we all had to have been drunk to go there. Needless to say we got tore up, bought some BC Powder (http://www.tragic.com/ ladies) from a guy off the street and went home….BITTER!!!! Mikey had to work the next morning and I don’t know how she woke up, but she did.
OK, talk about hung over, we woke up and showered around noon. When we got down to the subway, I almost lost my cookies, it was humid and I started sweating thank god the train was cold. We went to Tiffany’s to surprise Elgin with his B-day gift. We walked around for a few hours and ran into an old friend from Dallas, how ironic is that. A city of almost 8 million people and we run into Stew Bear from Dallas, to funny we talked and moved on. When Mikey got home from work, she was not smiling, we went over all the tragic events of the night and laughed….(Aaron having the Britney Dance off with some queens, the confusion between the bar we thought was Detention, was really Stonewall upstairs). Night 2, We headed to Opaline to have some drinks and dance for a bit, drank a little to much, everyone kept buying each other shots, I was like thanks I just had 3 of them, but what’s one more. Miss Mikey was mugging down with Dr. Pokey Pants and honestly I was confused everyone was kissing someone and then it was like everyone traded for sample….so confusing I think we ended up kissing about 40 people that night. I met a cute guy named Christopher, we kissed, fell in love, and then everyone was ready to go….go figure my luck. Daniel comes over and says we are leaving and I was like BYE…..LOL. Chris was a little drunk so we said our goodbyes with our tongues and then the girls headed to Boys Room. Now, I think it is almost 2am by this time and we are feeling good…More drinks and dancing and then I look up and Mikey is dancing on the box with his shirt off and 3 guys are trying to take his pants down. Miss Mess, clean up on aisle five and it did not help that she had a jock strap on underneath the pants, more incentive for them to get her pants down…..god love ya Mikey. So we found that there was an after hours with Junior Vasquez and Neil was rounding everyone up to go there, when, know on really knows what happened, but Daniel and Aaron get into a fight outside of the bar…..IT WAS DRAMATIC! Screaming, wrestling, and some not very nice words where said. The groups split and went our separate ways. Neil, Daniel and I ended up going to Junior’s B-Day bash, which was fabulous. Got home around 7am and crashed.
We lay around the apt. all day long, got ready for Dinner at Intermezzo, cute and very trendy in Chelsea, loved it, so cute. Saw AIDA staring Deborah Cox and she tore it up. I was so wanting her to end the show with her dance mix…..she is an amazing artist. After the show it was off to the ROXY. It was so funny all day everyone was like, I am so not drinking tonight and don’t you know as soon as we get inside we were at the bar filling up with free drinks. Oh and then came the GOLDSLAUGGER shots (who’s idea was that) they almost maid me puck….and Neil and Mikey, well they were not as lucky as me. We tore it up on the dance floor. Elgin and Aaron went home EARLY, Neil found the DARK room where she was a TRASHY HO…..She was a mess; needless to say she got her rocks off. I so never thought that really happened in clubs; boy did I learn something new. Neil and Mikey left when they got sick and Daniel and I left around 4am. One of the best things about NYC is Gray’s Papaya; you can get the special for like $2. So we headed in that direction, and took forever since they where preparing for the damn republican convention, but all the NYC cops where hot, so I was not that upset by it. Miss Daniel saw a White Castle next door and decides it would be better, YUCK, if you have not had it DON’T, tasted like SHIT, and I look over while I am eating my SHIT burger and see this girl cutting corns off of her feet… PUCK…OH, TAKE ME HOME NOW, I have seen too much for one night. I think her corns smelled like the shit burger….
We went to the park for a bit and then started packing to go home, got on the train a little late, Elgin ended up missing his flight to Dallas, so he met Daniel back in the city. Neil’s flight was postponed due to weather in Atlanta and had to stay the night there. Our flight was late as well and we got in at Midnight. It was crazy, it was messy, but most of all it was fun and nice to see my sisters, I LOVE YOU ALL MORE THAN YOU KNOW. Yag-Yag

Dear Tragic Queen:
After reading over your tragic nyc moment# 241, I've decided to throw your groups name into the pot for the below.
I can totally see it! (of course we need to reenact it)
[Scene One] You and A walking down the dimly lit streets of Manhattan. [Exiting a gay bar of course] You come across a man who seems to have something of interest for you. (The man should look homeless but reliable at the same time) You three then huddle into a dark corner...make the exchange and then you say, "Run, Girls...Hurry Up let's get out of here!" You make off with two packets of BC powder. The group then proceeds to inspect the powder once you've cleared the next block.
[Scene Two] In the subway the shot moves close up onto A who has serious VPR (visual powder residue) all over his nose. She then smiles that cheerleader smile that she's known for and talks about how that has totally cured her headache!
I know this will really increase BC's business...well at least it'll target a new market!
"BC talk about a SPEEDY recovery for that headache!"
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