Dear Dalmatian Diary- Dell Conversion 8/15
So this morning started off ok.... but @ 4pm we find out that there are 680 orders that unbeknownst to us FELL OUT. Let's check in with the CATs, and see how they're doing...:
April: this is the longest day EVER
Kelly: This SUCKS!
Vince: I'm going to get tore-up tonight!!
Processing... Processing.. Processing...
Back at the home front...
7:00-8:15 pm (at random intervals) I just got that error!, did you get it? (ALL CATS)
7:32pm Brian Davis says: I'd like to make a reservation, BITTER party of 1, all the way in the back.
7:35pm FUCK OFF KS (Brian)
7:36pm THIS SUCKS (anonymous)
7:37pm THIS REALLY SUCKS (anonymous)
7:39pm we are hoping that we'll be out before midnight bc we didn't bring a cake
7:40pm.. apparently there's beer in 202 , I'm still questioning why we are here
8:15pm EVERYONE OUT OF THE SYSTEM.. we are using our .. hurry up and wait skill... can I put this on my resume?
8:20 pm we are all starting to stink. John has just informed me that he has not showered today.
8:30 pm Vince has just made the executive decision that it would be easier to send manpower signs to all of our offices.
8:32pm Brian is running up and down the aisle yelling.. is it the pushes or the pulls
8:33pm John has told Karen, if she asks him what he wants for breakfast- he's going to kick her ass.
8:35pm we are all making song lists to give to Bobbi , in hopes of getting fired.
8:40PM We should just move the office Wastc to Tenn. and that would take care of the 600 and some worksite problems that are out there!!
8:41PM I have had lunch and dinner here.....shall I put in my breakfast order too??
8:49 pm I WANT TO PUT IT IN MY BLOG NOW! (brian davis)
9:00:pm we have a choice... stay till god knows when or come in at 5:30am 1/2 chose morning, 1/2 chose to stay
9:05 pm Bobbi- is this Spherion or a Malaysian Nike factory? (John)
9:14 pm Kelly has had a change of heart , since the system could only have 12 people.. some got a free pass.. kelly was one.. "this is the BEST day EVER!"
other lucky bastards include... April, Jered, - there was much high-fiving going around
12:38 am Vince hands off the conversion
5:00 am 6589 message: Conversion Analyst please report in as discussed last night at 5:30am - FUCK (12 conversion analysts)
5:01am this is the only time the CATs have seen this hour sober. (besides John)
5:10am Jenny discovers that its too early for Maggie Mae to take care of business
5:30am Jenny discovers its too early to be creating assignments
5:50 am Sanchy scores major points buy bringing in breakfast.
5:55 am John celebrates his 29th birthday to the minute as Jenny promptly smacks him on the ass to get him going, much like the dr did
6:05am its way to damn early for the backstreet boys (Sanchy)
8:48 am Brian is complete and happy, this is his last CR3 Conversion!!!!!! Yippee